Past Special Issues
Past Special Issue Journals for ICEC Conference
Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI)
Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (Scopus)
ICEC 2022
ICEC 2023
Link of Special Issue
Aims & Scope
The Internet and the World Wide Web have brought a fundamental change in the way that individuals access data, information and services. Individuals have access to vast amounts of data, to experts and services that are not limited in time or space. This has forced business to change the way in which they conduct their commercial transactions with their end customers and with other businesses, resulting in the development of a global market through the Internet. The emergence of the Internet and electronic commerce raises many new research issues. The Electronic Commerce Research journal will serve as a forum for stimulating and disseminating research into all facets of electronic commerce - from research into core enabling technologies to work on assessing and understanding the implications of these technologies on societies, economies, businesses and individuals. The journal concentrates on theoretical as well as empirical research that leads to better understanding of electronic commerce and its implications.
Topics covered by the journal include, but are not restricted to the following subjects as they relate to the Internet and electronic commerce:
Dissemination of services through the Internet;
Intelligent agents technologies and their impact;
The global impact of electronic commerce;
The economics of electronic commerce;
Fraud reduction on the Internet;
Mobile electronic commerce;
Virtual electronic commerce systems;
Application of computer and communication technologies to electronic commerce;
Electronic market mechanisms and their impact;
Auctioning over the Internet;
Business models of Internet based companies;
Service creation and provisioning;
The job market created by the Internet and electronic commerce;
Security, privacy, authorization and authentication of users and transactions on the Internet;
Electronic data interc hange over the Internet;
Electronic payment systems and electronic funds transfer;
The impact of electronic commerce on organizational structures and processes;
Supply chain management through the Internet;
Marketing on the Internet;
User adaptive advertisement;
Standards in electronic commerce and their analysis;
Metrics, measurement and prediction of user activity;
On-line stock markets and financial trading;
User devices for accessing the Internet and conducting electronic transactions;
Efficient search techniques and engines on the WWW;
Web based languages (e.g., HTML, XML, VRML, Java);
Multimedia storage and distribution;
Collaborative learning, gaming and work;
Presentation page design techniques and tools;
Virtual reality on the net and 3D visualization;
Browsers and user interfaces;
Web site management techniques and tools;
Managing middleware to support electronic commerce;
Web based education, and training;
Electronic journals and publishing on the Internet;
Legal issues, taxation and property rights;
Modeling and design of networks to support Internet applications;
Modeling, design and sizing of web site servers;
Reliability of intensive on-line applications;
Pervasive devices and pervasive computing in electronic commerce;
Workflow for electronic commerce applications;
Coordination technologies for electronic commerce;
Personalization and mass customization technologies;
Marketing and customer relationship management in electronic commerce;
Service creation and provisioning.
Audience: Academics and professionals involved in electronic commerce research and the application and use of the Internet. Managers, consultants, decision-makers and developers who value the use of electronic com merce research results.
Link of Special Issue
Aims & Scope
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications aims to create and disseminate enduring knowledge for the fast-changing e-commerce environment. A major dilemma in e-commerce research is how to achieve a balance between the currency and the life span of knowledge.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications will contribute to the establishment of a research community to create the knowledge, technology, theory, and applications for the development of electronic commerce. This is targeted at the intersection of technological potential and business aims.
E-commerce is a multi-disciplinary area, which should be developed in co-operation with existing fields such as Information Systems and Technology; Computing and Informatics; Marketing, Finance and Supply Chain Management; Business Strategy and Management; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning; Data Science and Business Data Analytics; Public Policy; and Legal Studies. We will solicit papers on current technologies from these areas, as well as publish papers on completely new topics. We also seek proposals for special issues on new topics in e-commerce that will create new directions for research.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications is inviting submission of articles, including but not limited to the following topics: Agent-based commerce; electronic auctions; e-business models; B2C and B2B EC; consumer behavior; customer relationship management and data mining; recommender systems; Internet search engines and Web mining; big data analytics; social media and commerce analytics; responsible and trustworthy artificial intelligence; pricing and marketing; digital economy and digital transformation; e-government, public policy and digital divide issues; electronic payment systems; sharing economy; (IT and e-services; exchanges and electronic marketplaces;) e-commerce in supply chain and inventory management; legal issues in e-commerce; (industry studies and case analysis;) economic and management science modeling; organizational and theory-building research; empirical studies of e-commerce problems; behavioral studies of e-commerce issues; protocols, technology and process standards for e-commerce; (transformation of industries;) security and trust; credit card and smart card applications; mobile-commerce and ubiquitous computing; inter-organizational systems in e-commerce; emerging technologies and technological innovation.
Link of Special Issue
Aims & Scope
The common thread of articles published in Decision Support Systems is their relevance to theoretical and technical issues in the support of enhanced decision making. The areas addressed may include foundations, functionality, interfaces, implementation, impacts, and evaluation of decision support systems (DSSs). Manuscripts may draw from diverse methods and methodologies, including those from decision theory, economics, econometrics, statistics, computer supported cooperative work, data base management, linguistics, management science, mathematical modeling, operations management, cognitive science, psychology, user interface management, and others. However, a manuscript focused on direct contributions to any of these related areas should be submitted to an outlet appropriate to the specific area.
Examples of research topics that would be appropriate for Decision Support Systems include the following:
1. DSS Foundations e.g. principles, concepts, and theories of enhanced decision making; formal languages and research methods enabling improvements in decision making. It is important that theory validation be carefully addressed.
2. DSS Functionality e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for developing the functional aspects of enhanced decision making; solver, model, and/or data management in DSSs; rule formulation and management in DSSs; DSS development and use in computer supported cooperative work, negotiation, research and product.
3. DSS Interfaces e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for designing and developing DSS interfaces; development, management, and presentation of knowledge in a DSS; coordination of a DSS's interface with its functionality.
4. DSS Implementation - experiences in DSS development and utilization; DSS management and updating; DSS instruction/training. A critical consideration must be how specific experiences provide more general implications.
5. DSS Evaluation and Impact e.g. evaluation metrics and processes; DSS impact on decision makers, organizational processes and performance.
Link of Special Issue
Aims & Scope
Internet Research is an international, refereed journal that aims to describe, assess and foster understanding of the role of wide-area, multi-purpose computer networks such as the Internet.
The Internet continues to gather influence and momentum, and it becomes increasingly important to be aware of the potential applications of this powerful resource throughout professional, political, personal and academic life. We therefore strongly encourage research that develops theoretical insights and understanding on topics and issues addressing the potential social, ethical, economic and political implications which arise from mass public access to information resources.
Coverage includes but is not limited to:
Societal and ethical issues (e.g., internet addiction, cyberbullying, online fraud, spreading of rumours, invasion of privacy, infringement of intellectual property rights, and social inclusion/exclusion)
Economic implications (e.g., electronic commerce, mobile commerce, and social commerce)
Managerial and organisational issues (e.g., Internet use practices, management policies and governance mechanisms)
Political implications (e.g., civic engagement, collective action, Internet-related policy research)
Link of Special Issue
Aims & Scope
Data Science and Management (DSM) is a peer-reviewed open access journal for original research articles, review articles and technical reports related to all aspects of data science and its application in the field of business, engineering, social management, etc. DSM was launched in 2021, and published quarterly by Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Machine learning and intelligent management
Data mining and business analytics
Data statistics and decision making
Intelligent computing and algorithms
Data-driven management decisions
Data-based policy evaluation
Business intelligence
Business data science
Digital economy
Data quality and data privacy
Data and knowledge management
Enterprise digital management
Cyberspace management
Data Security Management
Smart city management
Smart society management
Digital engineering management
Data visualization
Data-driven intelligent system management
About the Journal: The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage. DSM seeks to publish original, high quality, peer-reviewed papers including original research articles and reviews as well as technical reports. Submission would be encouraged on all aspects of data science and its application in the field of business, engineering, social management, etc. The aim of this journal is to become a highly respected and trusted resource of leading knowledge in this field and to promote worldwide academic exchange. DSM is going to be an interdisciplinary forum opened to all professionals in the world.