Welcome to ICEC 2022 in Daegu.
ICEC 2022 will be held in Daegu, Korea. ICEC(International Conference on Electronic Commerce) is an academic conference that deals with issues related to information technology and management in e-commerce. Since 1998, it has been held annually in countries around the world, including Korea, Austria, Hong Kong, the United States, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom and China. Daegu is the fourth largest city in South Korea, located inland in the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. Traditionally Daegu has been a center of education in Korea. It is no exaggeration to say that the miracle of Korea is based on Daegu. Today Daegu, in addition to the center of education, is a colorful city. It is a city of high technology and new business, while it is a passion of music and art with delicious food and beautiful night view.
ICEC 2022 will add a new color to the set of colors in Daegu, The theme of ICEC is “New Insights into Digital Intelligent Ecosystems for the Next Normal”. Recently, the digital ecosystem related to e-commerce is undergoing very meaningful changes due to the corona pandemic. These changes will continue in the post-pandemic world, forming norms different from before and presenting new challenges for us.
ICEC 2022 will provide a platform for discussing and discovering new insights to respond to these changes.
We look forward to seeing you at ICEC 2022 in Daegu.